An innovative method for easier cultivation of young crops and removal of unwanted vegetation has been applied since this year at the General Toshevo General Hospital. At the suggestion of the deputy director of the farm, Eng. Dimitar Ivanov, wheat is placed in the rows between the saplings, and in the first year, when the trees are still small, digging becomes much easier.
Today, during training organized by the „Forests of the Northeast“ project under the LIFE program, Eng. Ivanov demonstrated to his colleagues how well the rows of the new crop can be seen thanks to the wheat and how easily the young saplings can be found by following the line that creates the wheat.
The experiment with wheat was carried out in department 1172 a, in the land of the village of Rosen. Afforestation was done with acorns and wheat was placed between the sods. The innovative method allows very easy cultivation and destruction of shoots of invasive species with which the stand was previously afforested.
The „Forests of the Northeast“ project under the LIFE program of the EU gave the opportunity for many experiments in the SIDP farms that work on the project. Thanks to the trainings over the years, the new methods reached the entire forestry college in the enterprise.