„Tales from the Old Forest“ is looking for curious children
„Tales from the Old Forest“ is another book developed by experts from the Northeastern State Enterprise. The drawings are made by Sava Hadjiminchev – the schoolboy from Shumen – who also drew the illustrations for the book „Tales from the Nest“. The new book was published today and as of tomorrow forest pedagogues will teach lessons based on it. „Tales from the Old Forest“ will explain in an accessible way to children the harms of invasive alien plant and animal species that are found in our country. On the pages of the book the kids will meet Grandpa Oak and Mrs. Gledichia, as well as the forester, who brings order after the lady’s relatives take over the best parts of the forest.
This is the third children’s book that the management of the Northeastern State Enterprise publishes for the lessons in Forest Pedagogics. All teachers who would like foresters to visit them can book a class on a selected day and time by calling 0878596860.