300 children from Targovishte studied with the forest pedagogues from Shumen
Nearly 300 children from Targovishte have participated recently in the Forest Pedagogy lessons organized by the Northeastern State Enterprise (NSE) and Targovishte Municipality. In an accessible way, educators try to explain to children why invasive plant and animal species are dangerous to Bulgarian nature and could cause the destruction of local flora and fauna. Especially for the lessons NSE printed the book „Tales from the Old Forest“ which gets children acquainted with Grandpa Oak, Mrs. Gledichia and the Forester who takes care of the forest. The beautiful Mrs. Gledichia manages to enchant forest inhabitants, but when her friends and relatives from all over the world start arriving, there is no more place for the native trees in the Old Forest. It was only after the intervention of the Forester that understanding came again and order was restored.
At the end of the lesson, the children themselves understand why, for example, we cannot let a crocodile into the lake in „Borovo Oko“Park and why we must not take over seeds and trees from other countries without knowing whether they are dangerous to our forests.
NSE forest pedagogues express their gratitude to Mrs. Ivanka Atanasova – expert at the municipality of Targovishte – for the excellent organization of the lessons and they hope to work with her and the children from the district in the future.